Monday, June 11, 2007

See that up there?

That is my super fabulous new banner. Made by Jen. She so totally rocks. I know her from a forum we both post on but had no idea she was such a computer whiz. Unlike me. I was browsing blogs and saw on hers that she designed the banner for this super cool Etsy shop, Mama Wrappings. So I delurked and complimented her on it, we worked out a trade ( banner for me and for her, some yarn and surprises too) and voila!

Thanks SO much Jen. You really do rock.


Meghann said...

Well aren't you fancy!

Miss T said...

Why yes, I am. ;)

Anonymous said...

Love your new banner!

Jennifer said...

VERY nice! I've been thinking I need to spiff up my joint a bit too.

Milli said...

I love it! Very classy. And sassy.